Meet the 2024-2025 Board

Darlene Oglesby


My family moved to Bordeaux in 2019 BC – in times we now call "Before Covid". Fortunately, this American managed to make it to a luncheon before the world closed all the doors. The interesting, creative women I met that first day have carried me as I have adjusted to a new land, a new language and a new way of living. Since then, I have found that our club members love nothing more than sharing their friendship, experience and sense of adventure.

As President, I can't wait to meet you at our luncheons, meet-ups, events, bike rides, book clubs and outreach opportunities.

Cynthia Hart-Soden


I’m American by birth and a naturalised French citizen. After earning my MS Degree from the University of Michigan, I began my working career as an environmental engineer then moving on to teaching after moving to Europe. Finally settling in Dordogne 29 years ago, I raised my 2 sons alone in a small village in Dordogne, I appreciate first-hand how important a supportive social network can be. I joined the BWC in 2008 and while my work timetable did not allow me to attend many lunches, the Club still provided me with a welcoming group to turn to. Now retired, recently remarried and a budding ceramicist, I am looking forward to my role as Secretary in this dynamic team!  

Kit Seguin

Vice President

Community Outreach Coordinator

The BWC became an important part of my life with our precipitous move from Brazil to rural Aquitaine in 1998.  As an American with iffy French, I was overwhelmed with moving in, children's school adjustments, and my husband's failing health. French member Martine kindly introduced me to the BWC, where I so appreciated the quiet support of new friends.  I found solace in a reading group begun with another French member, Isabelle (Turning The Page Book Club - still going strong). 

After a teaching career, I joined the Statutes Committee and now also work with Community Outreach, BWC's charitable program for women, girls and children.  A social club with a social conscience ? - I approve ! 

Katey Murray


have lived in France since 2003. I am British with Scottish, Liverpudlian and Irish origins. I am married to a French man and we have two boys born in 2013 and 2015. I have been a member of the club since 2017 and I was appointed as Treasurer in 2020. I studied law in the UK and France. From 2012-2017 I worked as an in-house lawyer and personal tax lawyer for an accountancy firm near Bordeaux. Since 2017 I have been working as a Financial Adviser for the English-speaking expatriate community. I like attending the luncheons and the Walks and Talks when I can. I love the way the BWC members support and celebrate each other. 

Marie-Noëlle Grousset


I am French. My husband and I retired in the Entre-2-Mers.

Because of my husband’s job, we had the opportunity to live near New York City. We felt so welcome in the United States! Even 35 years later, we are still close to our dear American friends. Being in the BWC for 30 years has reminded me of this period of my life. I was introduced by Sheri Thompson, a previous member and President. My volunteer work in the Club is my way of showing how thankful I am.

I enjoy meeting all these open minded ladies coming from all over the world.

Linda Dench


I’m British and have been living in France for over 40 years, the last nine of which in Pessac.

I’m involved in several associations and try to give something back to each of them. 

I was delighted to discover BWC, because part of me was missing the intercultural mix. The more I see of Bordeaux Women's Club, the more impressed I am. Lively, intelligent and enthusiastic women. And I can honestly say that I know of no other organisation which is so well structured. You just KNOW that it is the result of years of hard work and good team work. And BWC ladies are SO generous with their time. For the last couple of years, I have been a joint neighbourhood coordinator for the South-west suburbs.

I’m looking forward to being part of the Board.

Mercedes Rosiefsky


I'm of Spanish descent, grew up and lived for many years in Paris. I also spent several years in Spain, Germany, and Switzerland which gave me the opportunity to learn Spanish, French, English and German. Although my husband is German, English is our language at home. Currently residing in Saint Sulpice et Cameyrac, I'm  involved in my community as a volunteer for Les Blouses Roses, and as a scholastic tutor at the local école primaire. 

I joined the BWC in 2019 when we moved to Bordeaux and since then the Club has allowed me to meet very interesting and varied women. It has surprisingly been the best way to feel at home in Bordeaux.

The Extended Board

Susan Hautefeuille

Membership Coordinator

I am Japanese-American, born in the Midwest US. While living in Tokyo, I met my French husband. I have lived in Japan, NY, Australia, and now the Bordeaux area. Life unfolds in creative ways! 

An innocent phone call led me to the BWC, where the unique perspective and natural understanding of what it is to have a varied life, the multiculturalism, the sharing and support of dynamic women, and the fun range of activities, were all a perfect fit. I plunged right in and welcome you to do the same! 

The BWC Spirit has guided us well for 72 years and we look forward to sharing this legacy with you. 

Team: Anne-Sophie Belloeil

Deirdre Rankin


and Events Coordinator

I am Scottish by birth but have lived in UK, India and Africa before settling in France in 1991. I joined the BWC after many years of debate with myself about an all-female/American organisation but, after a delightful Sunday lunch at a member's house where all the guests were BWC ladies with their partners, I joined and do not regret it for a moment.

I help to run the Cinema group and I am one of the Luncheon and events coordinators.

Team: Gratienne Guillo-Lohan

Elisabeth Rivasseau

Denise Jobin-Welch

Activities Coordinator

I retired from the U.S. Foreign Service on August 31, 2022 and moved to France on September 1. Since then, my husband and I have settled into Barsac with our two dogs, and I have enjoyed getting to know and love our new home among the vines in the Sauternes region.  My first BWC event was the anniversary cruise in 2023, during which I was invited to serve on the activities committee.  Since then, I've made a lot of lovely new friends through the club, and am looking forward to deepening those relationships this year. For fun, I love playing board games, reading (especially Sci-Fi and women's literature) and travelling.  Along with our resident "fur-babies" my husband and I have two amazing non-resident daughters; one lives in Northern Virginia and the other in Northern England.   

Team: Barbara Lubout

Alaina Kennedy

Newsletter Editor

When I made the leap from Chicago to Bordeaux with my husband, I was searching for a tribe of amazing, open-minded, and earnest women with diverse backgrounds. Little did I know that I would stumble upon the incredible BWC! These ladies are not just supportive and inspiring; they are loving, creative, and downright fantastic! 

Writing has been my passion and profession for as long as I can remember. I'm proud to serve as the editor of the BWC newsletter, where I get to weave together the stories and experiences of our incredible members. 

When I'm not behind the keyboard, you can find me with a camera in hand, exploring Bordeaux's culinary scene or immersing myself in the French language, I'm putting in the hard work to master it like a pro!

Team: Sabine Cornic (graphic design)

Lynn Appleton

Webmistress, IT Coordinator

I retired to Bordeaux in April 2023 and joined BWC shortly thereafter.  BWC has made my life so much richer in both friends and experiences. I spent half of my working life as a civil litigation attorney near San Francisco, California, and the other half pursuing my passion for patisserie.  After training as a pastry chef at Le Cordon Bleu in London, I opened a French Pâtisserie, tea house and café, which I owned and operated for just over 16 years.  I look forward to continuing to share my passion for patisserie with club members in additional pastry workshops and my love of wine with my fellow Dames due Vin!

Team: Anne-Sophie Belloeil

Sara Babin

Facebook Manager

I’m originally from San Francisco but was swept away by my French boyfriend in the early 90’s. We have lived in 6 countries since we met. In 2008, we decided to settle in his hometown, Bordeaux. We’ve lived here ever since with our two boys.

I joined the BWC right away and have never looked back. I’ve had the pleasure of holding several roles on the extended board and was president of the BWC for 3 years. The BWC has been a place of friendship every step of the way with a dynamic group of international women that understand the challenges and joys of living a global life.

Linda Martin

Neighborhood Groups Coordinator

I've been living happily in Bordeaux for a long time (27 years), where I raised my family. I am American, with French nationality as well, and have been working locally as coordinator for teaching "English for Nursing and Radiography" also for many years.

I have been Vice President and President of the BWC. So this association and its members are dear to my heart. I'm very much looking forward to participating in BWC's newest evolution. 

TeamGill Fortescue

Lindsay Mégraud

Statutes Committee Chairperson

A young American woman from New Jersey (that's me!) moved to Bordeaux for love many moons ago. Those were the days when it was difficult to make friends quickly, especially as a non-French speaker. So what a wonderful treat to discover the Bordeaux Women's Club where friendship is the key and the richness of the club's international composition a pure delight. English being the common language in order to encompass such a wide and varied group allows immediate contact and sharing.

A past Vice-President and Secretary, I am currently the Statutes Committee Chairperson, and consider it a great privilege to serve the BWC as a member of its Extended Board. I look forward with great expectation to meeting new faces at our future meeting-luncheons and various activities.

Elections Committee Chairperson

Coming soon...

The Bordeaux Women's Club is an Association Loi 1901 organisation. Bordeaux France © 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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