Become a Member

Dear Prospective Member,

Thank you for your interest in our organization. The BWC, founded 74 years ago, reflects its ongoing legacy of dynamic women and currently has 200 members from all over the world. We are all multi-cultural with an accumulation of fascinating perspectives. Living an international life does that!

This sample Newsletter (we removed most photos and any personal material) gives a window into what we do:  

Sample BWC Newsletter

The yearly membership dues are 35€ per calendar year (January-December). New members joining after June 1 and by November 1 will be charged 20€. Members joining between November 1 and December 15 pay 10€.

Please take a moment to review the BWC Statutes and Bylaws prior to filling out the application form.  BWC Members must adhere to both:

BWC Statutes in English

BWC Statutes in French

BWC Bylaws 2023-2024

Ready to join?  Just fill out the Application Form below and you are on your way!

Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.  I am here to help, 

Susan Hautefeuille 

BWC Membership Coordinator

Embark on a BWC adventure with us!

Application Form for New Members

Kindly be reminded that this is an application which will be submitted to the BWC Board for approval. 

Your application will be reviewed and our Membership Coordinator will give you a phone call. Once your application is accepted, you will receive confirmation and an invoice for annual dues. 

Upon receipt of your dues, your membership will be complete. Membership is for the calendar year. Dues are paid in January each year.

New Applicant - Free Subscription period: Unlimited

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The Bordeaux Women's Club is an Association Loi 1901 organisation. Bordeaux France © 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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